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Проект "The great female leaders who changed the course of history"

Рейтинг: 2

The great female leaders who changed the course of history
Иностранный язык
Автор работы: 
Акинин Михаил Дмитриевич
Руководитель проекта: 
Акобян Асмик Тельмановна
МКОУ СОШ №7 с. Старомарьевка

Данный исследовательский проект по английскому языку «The great female leaders who changed the course of history» разработан учеником 10 класса. В работе автор изучает влияние великих женщин на ход истории, трудности их пути и проблему признания женщин в политической сфере общества.

Автор исследовательской работы по английскому языку «The great female leaders who changed the course of history» считает, что спустя века гендерного неравенства, женщины в разных областях профессий по сей день ощущают предвзятое отношение в социуме. Во многих странах специалистам, имеющим равные квалификационные навыки, могут начислять совершенно разные суммы заработной платы, и, очевидно, не в пользу женщин.

Подробнее о работе:

В данном проекте по английскому языку «The great female leaders who changed the course of history» приведены истории великих женщин-лидеров, которые доказали, что женщина также имеет права на признание, равенство и уважения, что женщина-политик и женщина-правитель ничем не хуже мужчины, что одна великая женщина может изменить мир.

В проекте по английскому языку «The great female leaders who changed the course of history» вы узнаете судьбы великих женщин в истории, их борьбу за признание, сферу их деятельности и какие трудности им пришлось пережить в борьбе за уважение своей деятельности.

Table of Contents

Chapter I
1. Cleopatra
2. Princess Olga
3. Tamar the Great
4. Queen Elizabeth I
5. Catherine the Great
6. Indira Gandhi
7. Margaret Thatcher
The list of information sources
The Application


There is an opinion that it is the lot of men to make the history, to decide the fates of people and the state. Consequently, its main heroes are considered the wise and brave commanders, courageous and intelligent rulers, and public figures…the males and not the females.

But contrary to this opinion names of equally strong and wise representatives of females are inscribed in the pantheon of world history, each of whom has made her invaluable contribution to the development and welfare of her state.

Women who could take leadership roles in a dignified way, who once built and, as required, methodically destroyed the careers of great men, and repeatedly changed the course of history and culture. These women have often been ahead of time and shown their steel endurance and incredible moral fortitude. In other words, the women, whom we never stop admiring.

A woman is always the embodiment of the life principle. But her role is not limited to the birth and education of children, because it was the woman who at all times was the inspiration, the founder, the Muse...

The most important role in the development of the state in the whole history of the world was played by its rulers. In my work, I want to pay special attention to those women who were involved in the governance of the state - seven women who took leadership roles in different eras: Princess Olga, Queen of Egypt Cleopatra, Queen of Georgia Tamar, Elizabeth Tudor, Catherine the Great, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

I have tried to answer a number of questions related to the topic: "The great female leaders who changed the course of history":

  • How was the rule passed into women's hands?
  • What difficulties were met on this path?
  • What reforms were carried out during the women's rule?
  • What memory did the women leaders leave behind?
  • How did their reign affect the development of the state?

Thus, I proved the hypothesis: a woman is able to rule a state worthily.

The topic of my research is relevant. The purpose of my research, as emphasized in my thesis statement, is the ability of women to rule and take leadership positions in societies in a worthy manner.

My research examines seven powerful female historical figures from various time periods and cultures through interdisciplinary approach which allows me to support or validate my thesis statement.

By the type of the activity this work is research work. Thus, the hypothesis is proved in the process of researching the topic. The content of the following research work refers to the interdisciplinary one.


“The woman in her weakness is yet the strongest force on the Earth. Nature ever fights upon her side.” [“Cleopatra” by H. Rider Haggard page 38].

The topic of my research is relevant because an eternal dispute, who is wiser - a man or a woman, is not solved yet, but continues with varying success. There are a lot of names of women who kept the course of history on their fragile shoulders and who propelled their country forward to prosperity.

Throughout the world history, the females have repeatedly proved that they are well-off in all spheres of society and that every woman is unique and beautiful in her own way.

The objective of the work:

  1. To study the activities of the women who could take leadership roles in the world politics in different periods of history;
  2. To continue to improve my knowledge in the field of history and English language.

The goals of the work:

  1. to study the position of the women who could take leadership roles in the political arena in more detail;
  2. to develop skills to select and systematize materials for observation;
  3. to improve the skills of working with scientific, fiction and reference literature in both Russian and English;
  4. to continue to improve communicative skills.

The object of the study:

  • the activities of the women who once could take leadership roles of their states.

Research hypothesis:

  • A woman is able to rule a state worthily.

The methods of research:

  • the research of scientific and world literature on this topic in English and Russian-language sources;
  • consultations with scientific workers of foreign countries;
  • analysis and synthesis of historical documents and research literature;
  • survey and questioning;
  • comparative analysis;
  • typification
  • presentation of the work in English and its translation into Russian.

By the type of the activity this work is research work. Thus, the hypothesis is proved in the process of researching the topic. The content of the following research work refers to the interdisciplinary one.

According to the organization it is individual.

By time it is long-term. (Long-term: April 2017 - February 2018).

In the MOEI SCS #7 an anonymous survey was conducted among 7-9 grade students(170 students), 10-11 grade studentsclasses (40 students) and among teachers (30 teachers).

Everyone was offered the following questions:

1. Is a woman capable of ruling a state with dignity?
7 - 9 grade students answered:
"YES" - 51%; "NO" - 27%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 14%; "OTHER" - 8%

10 - 11 grade students answered:
"YES" - 71%; "NO" - 22%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 7%; "OTHER" - 0%

The teachers answered:
"YES" - 87%; "NO" - 5%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 7%; "OTHER" - 1%

2. Is a woman capable of influencing a man's opinion?

7 - 9 grade students answered:
"YES" - 70%; "NO" - 11%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 8%; "OTHER" - 11%

10 - 11 grade students answered:
"YES" - 39%; "NO" - 57%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 2%; "OTHER" - 2%

The teachers answered:
YES" - 37%; "NO" - 11%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 8%; "OTHER" - 44%

3. Are women wiser than men?
7 - 9 grade students answered:
YES" - 50%; "NO" - 17%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 15%; "OTHER" - 18%

10 - 11 grade students answered:
YES" - 37%; "NO" - 55%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 2%; "OTHER" - 6%

The teachers answered:
YES" - 77%; "NO" - 11%; "FIND IT DIFFICULT TO ANSWER" - 9%; "OTHER" - 3%
[The application pg.20-24]

Analyzing the results of the questionnaire, I came to the conclusion that the students of our school believe that women can be leaders and appreciate their accomplishments in society.

A higher appreciation is given by the students of the 7th to 9th grade students (probably, the impression of the students depends on the dominant role of the mother in the family) and the teachers, since the pedagogical staff of the MOEI SCS #7 mostly consists of women.

The representatives of the 10th to 11thgrade studentsappreciated the questionnaire more realistically: many of them are preparing for the passing of the USE on history and obviously possess information on this topic worthily.

In my work on the example of state activities of seven great women of different eras I tried to prove that a woman in a necessary situation can rule the state dignifiedly.

My work has a practical focus: it can be used for holding thematic class hours, for lecturing on topics in preparation for history lessons, lessons of World Literature, as well as in preparing for the passing of the USE on history, literature, social studies and English.

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