The Greatest women in the world - conclusion
In the course of the work, the material about the great representatives of the female who were in power in different periods of the world history was studied and synthesized.
I could answer the questions I had raised initially:
- How was the rule passed into women's hands?
- What difficulties were met on this path?
- What reforms were carried out during the women's rule?
- What memory did the women leaders leave behind?
- How did their reign affect the development of the state?
The study showed that it is quite possible and sometimes even more appropriate to involve women more widely in government. These conclusions support the hypothesis: a woman is able to rule a state worthily.
In my work on the example of the state activities of seven great women of different epochs, I proved that a woman in a necessary condition can lead a sate worthily.
I think that the discussion of the issue in my work will help students to form their view of the world, value orientations corresponding to the modern period in the development of the society - the period of approval of the priority of the individual.
My work has a practical focus: it can be used for holding thematic class hours, for lecturing on topics in preparation for history lessons, lessons of World Literature, as well as in preparing for the passing of the USE on history, social studies and English.
The list of information sources
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