Проект "How to raise the number of volunteers in Russia?"

Данный исследовательский проект по английскому языку "How to raise the number of volunteers in Russia?" создан ученицей 7 класса и посвящен вопросу развития движения волонтёров в России и за рубежом.
Автор исследовательской работы по английскому языку "How to raise the number of volunteers in Russia?" изучила теоретический материал о движении волонтёров, рассмотрела примеры реализации задач волонтёрских организаций за рубежом.
Подробнее о работе:
Практическая часть исследовательского проекта по английскому языку "How to raise the number of volunteers in Russia?" состоит из интервью волонтёров из России и Канады, онлайн-опроса молодежи, занимающейся волонтёрской деятельностью, где автор изучил факторы, которые вдохновляют людей вступать в волонтёрские организации и активно принимать участие в различных социальных проектах.
1.1. Problem of the project
1.2. Goal and tasks of the project
2. The main part
2.1. Meaning of the word “Volunteer”
2.2. Main streams of volunteering
2.3. Interesting facts about volunteering in other countries
2.4 Comparison to other countries
2.5. Interview with volunteers (Canada and Russia)
2.6. Online poll of pupils in social nets
3. Conclusion
4. Bibliography
5. Attachment
1. The introduction
The current year is the Year of volunteer. Since 2013 the number of volunteers in Russia has increased by 4 million people. However it is only 7 per cent of the country’s population. How to raise the number of volunteers in Russia? How to provoke pupils to become volunteers?
1.1. The problem of the project
Many people don’t know what opportunities they can gain in volunteering.And many volunteering posters don’t inform about it. Only when somebody wants to become a volunteer he will find the way to apply. So how can we raise the number of volunteers in Russia? What can influence the pupils to become volunteers?
1.2. Thegoal and tasks of the project
The goal of the project is to reveal the key factors for the pupils necessary to participate in volunteer projects.
- To find out the meaning of the word “volunteer”
- To learn about examples of volunteering in other countries
- To interview volunteers (Canada and Russia)
- To take online poll of pupils in social nets about key factors which influence the interest in volunteering
- To make conclusion after the polls
- To make an author’s motivating poster.