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Проект "The role of virtual social networks in life of modern teenagers"

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The role of virtual social networks in life of modern teenagers
Иностранный язык
Автор работы: 
Дейкало Алексей Сергеевич
Руководитель проекта: 
Родзевич Анна Владимировна
МБОУ "Гимназия №17" г.Мытищи

Данная исследовательская работа по английскому языку "The role of virtual social networks in life of modern teenagers" ("Роль виртуальных социальных сетей в жизни современных подростков") рассматривает плюсы и минусы широкого использования возможностей социальных сетей среди подрастающего поколения.

Автор проекта по английскому языку "The role of virtual social networks in life of modern teenagers" ("Роль виртуальных социальных сетей в жизни современных подростков") исследует историю и основные характеристики социальных сетей в Интернет пространстве.

Подробнее о работе:

Также автор работы рассматривает основные цели использования социальных сетей школьниками.

Исследовательский проект по английскому языку "The role of virtual social networks in life of modern teenagers" содержит исследование значения социальных сетей для окружения учащегося 7 класса. В итоге, ученик предлагает разработанные пути решения проблемы зависимости подростков от сети Интернет и рассматривает способы рационального использования интернет-пространства подрастающим поколением.


1. Introduction
2. The main part of the study
2.1. Social networking: definition, history and general characteristics
2.2. The positive aspects and motives of using virtual social networks by teenagers
2.3. Negative aspects of teenagers’ use of virtual social networks
3. Suggestions for effective use of social media in adolescent development (Conclusion)
4. References
5. Appendix


The use of computer technology in everyday life grows rapidly nowadays. Computers and the Internet have become an indispensable tool in study and work and even become part of our leisure time.

Internet access and information online extend the social possibilities of the users and increase mobility and the chances of success in life. Consequently, those people who have access and effectively use the Internet, occupy an advantageous position compared to those for whom this access is limited.

This phenomenon has been called "digital divide”.The problem is considered to be so important that in February 2016, the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation offeredto include the right of citizens to access to the Internet into the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Today teenagers are the most active Internet users who extensively use the possibilities of modern gadgets. In Russia 89% of adolescents aged 12-17 use the Internet every day.

This is not surprising: teenage age is the age of communication, age of the greatest desire to get approval from peers and the group that is significant for a teenager.

Teenagers at all times tend to be in the "public network environments" ("networked publics"). Currently, the spent at the computer replaces the traditional leisure activities. If their parents spent their time in the parks, yards, for today's young people there is only one favorite place to be with their friends – social network.

Almost all the possible tools of self-expression, communication and finding friends is concentrated in social networks. That is why they are so popular among teenagers: according to research, teens use social networks more than search engines, such as Yandex or Google.

Together with the positive moments of Internet usage, a growing evidence about the negative impact of the Internet and social networking on the psyche and physical health of adolescents appeared recently. According to the Russian Federal Research Center of mental health, about 6% of all teenagers in the country are dependent on computer.

The purpose of this study is to examine the positive and negative aspects of teenagers use of social networking.

The main aim of this work is to determine alternatives for social networks.

The tasks of this work are:

  • to determine positive and negative aspects of using social networks;
  • to conduct a survey and determine the motives of using social networking by teenagers;
  • to conduct a survey and analyze the opinion of teenagers about alternatives for social networks.

The theoretical basis of the study were Russian and foreign publications in the field of pedagogy, psychology and medicine, as well as popular science and educational information posted on websites.

At work we used the following research methods: observation, survey, comparison, analysis, questionnaires, and interviews.

In the implementation of the survey, we used the software tool "Google Forms".

Перейти к разделу: 2. The main part of the study


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