3.Suggestions for effective use of social media in adolescent development (Conclusion)
I have read about a lot of possible alternatives for social networks and about possible ideas for reducing the time teenagers spend in front of the computer. However, I decided to conduct my own survey and suggest the solutions for this problem based on the interests of my friends.
82 students of sixth and seventh grades in several schools in Mytischiwere asked to take part in the survey: «If there were no social networks, and the Internet were limited».
The study showed that adolescents mostly need communication: in the absence of social networks, 78% would like to "just go for the walk with friends", "go to the cinema or to the theater together" - 42%, "to meet with them at home and play board games »- 30%(see Graph 1).
Thus, the data of the first study are confirmed: the main motive for the use of social networks is also communication (77%), Table 1.
More than half (53%) of adolescents want to have more lessons in school in the form of discussion, 36% - for discussion with members of my family on equal terms (see Graph 2). Thus, we again received confirmation of the previous survey: self-determination and self-fulfillment are very important for adolescents.In Table 139% and 35% of pupils find it important.
To prepare homework, where additional information is required, half of the children (54%) would prefer to study the encyclopedia at home, about the same number (44%) and would use the school library(see Graph 3). Thus, it is important that the school had spacious and modern libraries.
Finally, it is very important for adolescents to communicate with their families - 68% of teenagers would like to travel with their families more. 40% of children suggested that in the absence of social networks they would read more books(see Graph 4).
As we revealed in the course of the study, the negative impact of social networking on teenagers is considerable. However, that is not the reason to abandon their use. I think it is necessary to minimize all hazards.
I have also sent my survey to some teenagers in the USA and found out that, similar to teenagers in Russia, communication and self-expression is important to them (see Graphs 5-7).As opposed to Russian teens, however, they would prefer to go to the cinema with friends and not to go for a walk.
To express themselves more American teenagers would like to have more discussions in the family and only 20% mention the discussions at school. It can be explained by the fact that many lessons at American schools are already based on discussions. Interestingly, to find additional information for school lessons most of American teenagers prefer to use the school library as opposed to Russian teenagers, who prefer to read encyclopedias at home. It can be explained by the fact that American schools have large libraries available to all the pupils.
At the same time, I personally couldto suggest some ways to solve the problem of dependence teenagers on social networking and the Internet.
Firstly, I believe that part of solving this problem should take the child's parents. They should limit the excessive using of networks by teenagers.Parents should not show an example of excessive use of social networks for their children: for example, if parents do not allow their son to play more than an hour a day, they themselves should not play three or four hours.
In some families there is a limit on the amount of time we spend at the computer: in my family it is one or two hours a day. I think in order to reduce the time the teenager spends at the computer adults should explain to teenagers the dangers hidden in the Internet, and how to avoid them.Sometimes it is necessary to apply certain sanctions. It is necessary to explain the ethics of use of networks: which photos and videos can be placed and which cannot.
Of course, teenagers need to train the willpower, strength of character, setting the limits for themselves.
Besides that, we must not forget about the fact that children spend most of their time at school, which also needs to participate in solving the problem. For example, teachers should conduct a conversation with students about the dangers and advantages of using social networking. In addition, some students may be involved in the dialogue.
Also, in my opinion, if the students often worked together, for example in the school library, the work would be more productive and strong students can help weak students.
Despite the fact that computer analogues of board games have appeared in the modern world, boardgames themselves have not lost their relevance since they develop skills of live communication.
A great alternative to the excessive craze of social networking is communication live communication with friends,you also need to devote more time to family matters.
You can also use the possibilities of modern school and municipal libraries: a group of classmates can meet at the library and look for information on the instructions for the report but not used for this purpose, the Internet.
It would be interesting to have a lesson online with a teacher. Then thosestudents which are shy in the classroom could communicate more openly, and we would spend time in front of the computer more effectively.
You can also suggest that school psychologists carry out the testing of students to identify computer addiction and by taking timely measures. One of the best ways in my opinion of the solution to this problem is the child's visit to sports sections and similar activities that could distract a child from using social networks and the Internet.
An important role in physical and mental health play law enforcement authorities and bodies carrying out functions on control and supervision in the sphere of electronic information technologies and communications.
In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development" they are responsible for the protection of minors from information harmful to their health and development, distributed through the Internet. I believe that these services should actively block the access of teenagers to malicious sites.
In conclusion, I would like to note the following.
Computer technologies have become an integral part of the life of modern man and are increasingly being used to develop and educate children and adolescents. For children and adolescents with severe diseases and disabilities, the computer is a means of learning, development and communication.
In this context, computer technology is a boon. But in order to prevent computers and the Internet from harming the children, parents and the school must watch theme of the games and how the child uses the Internet. It is necessary to teach children how to use the computer and the Internet safely and monitor the time spent by the child at the computer.
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The results of a study of the motives of using virtual social networks by teenagers (n=82)
Table 1
If there were no social networks, and the internet were limited (n=82),*
Graph 1
Graph 2
Graph 3
Graph 4
* – Russian teenagers
If there were no social networks, and the internet were limited,**
Graph 5
Graph 6
Graph 7
** – American teenagers