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Проект на тему: "Людмила Павличенко - женщина-снайпер"

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Людмила Павличенко - женщина-снайпер
Иностранный язык
Автор работы: 
Кук Дарья Сергеевна
Руководитель проекта: 
Копосова Ирина Владимировна
Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия имени Подольских курсантов»

В процессе проведения работы над исследовательским проектом по иностранному языку на тему «Людмила Павличенко - женщина-снайпер» обучающаяся 11 класса расширила знания о биографии советского снайпера Людмилы Павличенко, перевела работу на английский язык, а также дополнила биографию фотографиями героя Советского Союза.

Подробнее о работе:

В готовом исследовательском проекте по иностранному языку на тему «Людмила Павличенко - женщина-снайпер» автор сделала выводы о том, что Людмила — смелая женщина, которая пошла добровольцем в армию. Тяжелые бои за Одессу и Севастополь она прошла с достоинством. Несколько раз она была тяжело ранена и сбита с толку, но это ее не остановило, не сломило ее дух. Мы очень ей обязаны.


  1. Who is Lyudmila Pavlichenko
  2. Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Early life
  3. Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Military Service
  4. Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Role in Word War 2
  5. Lyudmila Pavlichenko After Word War 2
  6. Recognition and Memory
  7. Recognition of Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Accomplishmens

Who is Lyudmila Pavlichenko

Lyudmila Pavlichenko was a sniper for the Soviet army during Word War 2. She is credited with 309 kills during the war and is regarded as the most succeful female sniper in military history. She was born in Ukraine, and lived from July 12, 1916 to October 10,1974.
How could a woman shot and kill so cold-bloodedly? This was the most frequent question to her. According to Lyudmila’s words the soldier towards whom she had feelings was killed before her eyes. This made her hate the enemies. For this hatred she was called Lady Death by foreign media.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Early life

Lyudmila Pavlichenko was born on the 12 of July in 1916 in the Ukrainian town Belaya Tserkov(of Bila Tserkva). At the age of 14 her family moved to Kiev. She studied at school and worked at the factory Also, Lyudmila joined a local shooting club, where she hit the target at the first lesson. Even when she became a student, she didn’t stop mastering her shooting.


Lyudmila wanted to become a History teacher, so she entered the University to study history. Later she was invited to the Sniper School, where she became one of the best.

She met her first husband Alexey Pavlichenko at the age of 16 while working at the factory. Soon she gave birth to their son Rostislav. But the marriage didn’t last long and the couple broke up.

When the war started Lyudmila stayed as an intern in Odessa. She was working on her diploma work in the museum.

When Pavlichenko heard the news about the German invasion of the Soviet Union, she went to the military commissariat. There they told her that they would accept nurses later. But she didn’t intend to be a nurse, she wanted to serve as a sniper. Nobody was willing to listen to her explanations about that. But she was lucky, 5 days later there was an order about military conscription of all the graduates of sniper clubs. Pavlichenko took the oath on the 28 of June. She was assigned to the Red Army’s 25th Rifle Division and would become one of the 2,000 female snipers in the Red Army


Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Military Service

Red Army: 1941 - 1943 obtaining the rank of Major.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Role in Word War 2

Young soldiers were not given rifles due to their lack. One day Lyudmila witnessed the killing of the soldier and she took his gun to use. She showed great results in the first fights and soon she got a sniper rifle.

At the beginning of August German forces were approaching Odessa. In the first days of defense she performed a feat. During 15 minutes she shot and killed 16 fascists. Next time there were 10 killings including 2 German officers. Within 10 weeks of the battles for Odessa there were 179 killed fascist soldiers and officers on her account.


By October 1941 it was decided that the defense of Odessa was pointless so the military forces were evacuated from there to Sevastopol. They transported 86 thousand of soldiers and officers, 15 thousand of civilians, artillery and ammunition. These forces strengthened the forces in Sevastopol and together they took part in the heroic defense of the city. 25th Rifle Division was among the latest to be evacuated.


In Sevastopol Pavlichenko killed 130 fascists including 36 enemy snipers. There in December 1941 Lyudmila met lieutenant Alexey Kitsenko. He was also a sniper and they worked together. They were going to marry, but unfortunately, he died in March 1942. He was wounded and died in her presence. Lyudmila had deep emotional upset.

Pavlichenko was recognized as a skilled sniper, and she was given more dangerous assignments. Many of them included stand-offs with enemy snipers.

One duel lasted three days. The enemy sniper did everything he could to catch her, including setting up decoys and creating distractions. Lyudmila only sat tight where she was and waited for him to make a mistake, staying still for fifteen hours at a time. Eventually, he did, and Lyudmila took him out.


Often, she went to military operations with Leonid Kutsenko, who came to the division simultaneously with her. Once the command ordered them to destroy the enemy command post discovered by the scouts. Sneaking into the area indicated by the scouts at night, the snipers, disguised themselves, lay down and began to wait.

Finally, without suspecting anything, two officers approached the entrance to the dugout. Shots of snipers sounded almost simultaneously, and the slain officers fell. Immediately a few more people jumped out of the dugout. Two of them were defeated. A few minutes later, the place where the snipers were, the Nazis subjected to fierce shelling. But Pavlichenko and Kutsenko, withdrew, and then, changing their position, again opened fire on emerging targets.
Having lost many officers and signalmen, the enemies were forced to leave their command post.


She was lying in ambush long hours and even days, in any weather hot or rainy waiting for her target.
In order to spot enemy snipers Lyudmila used efficient but risky methods. She used herself as an attraction.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko After Word War 2

Pavlichenko finished her education and became a historian. She worked as a scientific associate in the military headquarters. She was involved in public activities.
There is little information about her private life after the war. It is known that she married Konstantin Shevelev. They had no children.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko wrote the book "I am a sniper" about the defense of Odessa and Sevastopol and about her trip to the USA


Lyudmila died in 1974. She was buried in Novodevichye Cemete


Recognition and Memory

No doubt that Lyudmila is a brave woman who was a volunteer to join the army. She went through hard battles for Odessa and Sevastopol with dignity. She was seriously wounded and confused several times but it didn’t stop her, didn’t break her spirit. We are very much obliged to her.

  • Two commemorative stamps with Pavlichenko’s portraits were issued in 1943 and 1976.
  • снайп9

  • The streets in Belaya Tserkov and Sevastopol were named after Lyudmila Pavlichenko
  • Film “Battle for Sevastopol” (2015) is based on Lyudmila’s life. Memories of Eleonora Roosevelt were used to make the film.
  • “Heroic true story” was written by Lyudmila Pavlichenko about the defense of Sevastopol.
  • The ship “Lyudmila Pavlichenko” was floated in 1976 and was used until 1996.
  • In computer games rifles are called in Pavlichenko’s honour: a rifle “Lyudmila-D” in the game “Destiny” and a sniper rifle “Lyuda” in the game “Borderlands 2”.

Recognition of Lyudmila Pavlichenko's Accomplishmens

  • October 25, 1943 - the highest rank “Hero of the Soviet Union” with the distinction medal “Golden Star”
  • two orders of Lenin
  • medals
  • award weapons - "Mosin" rifle, "Colt" pistol, "Winchester" rifle, knife of the English company "Kinfolks"
  • Oxford University Honorary Mantle

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