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The ecological rating of Russian cities

Исследовательская работа: 
Индивидуальный проект "Ecology problem in Mytishchi"

Who is to blame?

However, the "culprits" of increased environmental tension are not only emissions of an industrial nature, but also automobile gases, which account for no less than 40% of all pollution.

Statistics of CPS inevitably show that the annual rating of cities of Russia on ecology is not changing for the better, and road transport is spewing about 13 tons of hazardous substances and more than 58 % of the population of Metropolitan areas experience the negative impact of contaminated air.

It is no so bad!

However, we are sure that the environmental map of Russia with cities is not as pessimistic as it may seem at first glance, and still do not despair. Today ecologists work hard., sometimes at a moderate rates.

But the ecological rating of the cities of Russia shows that Astrakhan, Samara, Ulyanovsk and Sverdlovsk areas, the Chuvash Republic, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Krai are the dirtiest regions. Murmansk, Novgorod, Kirov, Omsk and Leningrad regions, as well as North Ossetia are recognized as pure.

Can Moscow be considered a pure city?

Despite the fact that Moscow is on the 6th place among the cleanest cities in Russia, yet the capital is not environmentally friendly place. However, at the present time, the policy of the Moscow and Moscow region authorities provides for careful monitoring of the state of the environment in different areas.

For example, mosekomonitoring regularly publishes data on soil, air, water and forest condition, as well as clearly shows the dynamics of changes. Mobile ecolaboratories react immediately and on demand to respond to residents..

As for particularly hazardous industrial emissions, monitoring is carried out on a daily basis. Thus, it is sure to say that Moscow has created all the necessary conditions for monitoring the environmental situation.

The ecological rating of Russian cities

  • 10th place is Stavropol
  • 9th place is Tula
  • 8th place is Tambov
  • 7th place is Kazan
  • 6th place is Moscow
  • 5th place is Kursk
  • 4th place is Vologda
  • 3rd place is Saransk
  • 2nd place is Saint Petersburg
  • 1st place is Volgograd

What do we propose for the protection of nature?

To protect our nature we offer:

  • being in the woods – put out the fire
  • do not throw rubbish collect it and throw in designated places
  • collect and turn in scrap paper, it will be redone and not have to cut the extra wood the paper

We hope that the adults will listen to us and together we will help our environment. We ask them:

  1. to increase the number of activities on environmental education at schools;
  2. to create new parks;
  3. to prohibit Parking on the lawns;
  4. to limit deforestation.


Environmentalists pin their hopes on the fact that the analysis of the critical environmental situation in a number of regions and territories of the country will still encourage society to address the issue of introducing into the educational sphere the system of cross-cutting environmental education at all levels.

What will undoubtedly contribute to the formation of students and students high environmental culture and civic responsibility for the natural environment.


  • State report on the state of the environment of the Moscow region in 1994-1995
  • State report on the state of the environment in Moscow / 1992
  • Koff G. L., Kotlov V. F., Sheshenya N. L. Recommendations on improvement of engineering-geological surveys for industrial and civil construction in the territory of Moscow and the forest Park zone in connection with the protection and rational use of the geological environment. M.: ILSAN, 1989
  • Sergeev, E. M. , Koff G. L. . "Rational use and protection of the urban environment.»
  • Stadnitsky G. V., Rodionov A. I. "Ecology".
  • Grigoriev A. A. the Town and the Environment. Space research. – Moscow: Mysl, 1982.
  • Kaznacheev V. P., Prokhorov B. B., Pisarenko V. S. human Ecology and
  • ecology of the city: integrated approach //human Ecology in big cities. L., 1988.


Have you ever visited the ecological Museum?
Опрос об экологии в России и Мытищи

Do you always protect nature around you?

Опрос об экологии в России и Мытищи

How many zones of ecological tension does the country have?

Опрос об экологии в России и Мытищи

What squares did the first water line reach?
Опрос об экологии в России и Мытищи

What do you think what city is the cleanest in Russia?
Опрос об экологии в России и Мытищи

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