Индивидуальные проекты и исследовательские работы

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Division table in cartoons by 5 in English

Division table in cartoons by 5 in English

To study the division table by 5 in English by children, a training program is used - the simulator "Division table in cartoons 1.0" in pictures when selecting this language in the program menu.

The table of division on 5 is the 4th stage of passing of the program in which the child is offered to choose from numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 answers to nine examples given below.

The fact of successful passing of division on 5 is noted in the form of a blue small square with figure 5 on the gray panel.
Versions of answers are displayed on nine square buttons, examples are brought in a random way to the panel of questions.

If in this round one mistake is made at least, the program will issue the message and (Return button) for repeated passing of the fourth stage will suggest to return.

If mistakes it isn't allowed, the picture from an animated cartoon will open completely and the corresponding musical fragment will sound.

After opening of the picture, listening of a melody and pressing of the Pass button there will be a transition to the following stage - "Division on 6".

Examples of a stage of division on 5:
5 : 5 =
10 : 5 =
15 : 5 =
20 : 5 =
25 : 5 =
30 : 5 =
35 : 5 =
40 : 5 =
45 : 5 =

On a page with the program, her it will be possible to look over and get.
The playing program is intended for a free download!

To pass to the game program:
Simulator division table in cartoons
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